This project tries to explore rooms and elements of architecture that represent secrecy and revelation. Creating something one can seek and be in but which can still surprise and reveal. To let the absence of guides stimulate the imagination. This resulted in a steel structure placed in a gravel landscape. The structure does not have a roof, and with its meandering steel walls it functions like a pavilion in the landscape. It creates a long room that you can not see through. You can hear if there are people there or see the reflection of them on the walls. It creates a mysterious walk through,  rooms to stay in - sometimes inside of the structure, sometimes outside. it invites you to find your own favourite places or hiding places. It does not tell you where to sit or what to do. But it is there for you to use. It can surprise and reveal whether it is full of leaves in autumn, filled with snow in winter or somewhere with shade in summer. Another time you visit it you might be surprised by a snowball fight, a party or a couple walking hand in hand.
The idea of creating a movement through a structure also brought a new movement in the landscape. A structure that in turn structures the landscape. As time goes by you will not only see the landscape change with the seasons. Forces of nature will also surprise and reveal their powers. After a few years, you encounter new plants that sprout from the gravel or masses that have accumulated in new places. The project is therefore constantly changing depending on who is there and what they are doing. The seasons and the forces of nature will also change the project over time. Leaving it open for new secrets to be found.

Teachers Matthew Anderson and Lisbeth Funck 

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